June 28, 2011

Strawberry Green Tea Smoothie

Smoothie's are such a refreshing summer breakfast, drink or snack. Almost as refreshing as an ice cold beer on a nice summer day, and definitely healthier. Smoothies are a great way to use up fruit that is on the verge of going bad, which is exactly what I did here.  I'll be adding this strawberry green tea to my smoothie rotation, changing up the fruit depending on what I have on hand.  One of my other favorites is my peanut butter banana, yes it's as good as it sounds and I'll be posting about it here at some point.

I also completed the Philadelphia Triathlon, ate a Pat's Cheesesteak, and had a lot of fun with friends this weekend, which is my excuse for taking the easy way out and posting an easy baked sweet potato and smoothie recipe in a row.  Don't get me wrong they are both delicious, but I'll be honest, it's my filler for not cooking in the past 5 days.  Keep reading for the smoothie recipe, and keep in mind that you can substitute any fruit you have on hand for the strawberries and peach.

3/4 cup strong brewed green tea (I use 2 tea bags)
12 frozen strawberries, stems removed
1 frozen peach, pitted and cut into pieces
1/2 tsp honey
1/3 cup greek yogurt
1/4 cup of milk
ice cubes (optional)

Throw everything in your blender and blend together.  Add a few ice cubes if you would like a thicker consistency, I prefer not to use ice cubes as it waters it down, but that's a personal preference.

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